The Benefits of a Universal Bathroom for Your Business

The Benefits of a Universal Bathroom for Your Business

Universal bathroom designs seek to make the space effective and convenient for people of all abilities and ages. It is wrongly assumed that such design ideas are only for the elderly or individuals with physical disabilities. However, anyone from eighteen to eighty can benefit from it.

You might own a restaurant that deals with all kinds of guests or a company that is mainly focused on backend jobs. Regardless of your business’s nature, universal bathroom design is one of the key aspects of making barrier free bathroom the premises more comfortable for your customers and employees. And, here are the reasons why your business needs to have a universal—or .

Preventing injuries at the workplace:

Traditional bathrooms can be dangerous in more ways than one. So, by investing in a universal bathroom, you would be making sure that you have taken the measures to prevent workplace injuries. Think of it like this: the marble floors are extremely slippery, and even people without any loss of ability have to be cautious when walking on them. Now, someone with the slightest walking difficulty would find it difficult to use the bathroom.

Injuries, whether to your customers or employees, creates a bad reputation for your business. You might even have to pay monetary compensation for the injuries.

Creating an equal and welcoming place:

Offering access to a comfortable bathroom is one of the first steps towards making your premises more welcoming for all. If you aim to create a space that treats everyone as equal and believes in welcoming all with open arms, take the first step by investing in universal bathrooms.

Maximizing the floor space:

Bathrooms with universal designs are generally more spacious than traditional bathrooms, offering enough room for maneuvering. Bathrooms with enough floor space would also make your premises look good in the eyes of your staff and clients.


It not only ensures convenience for all but also raises the property values of the place. So, in case you plan to shift your business to some other location in the future and sell your current property, you’ll be in profit if you invest in a universal bathroom.

Top three design ideas for a universal bathroom

Though there are loads of ways for you to create a universal bathroom for your business, let’s discuss the top three ideas that you can start with.

1. Fix the hardware at the right level

Keep the restroom mirrors and shelves at the right level for people to reach out easily. Not considering the general height level convenient for all is one of the first design flaws a bathroom can have. Also, use quality hardware from reputed suppliers for the bathroom, so that they last long. Here’s an example of a site where you can buy public restroom mirrors.

2. Grab bars for a comfortable grip

A stable grip is reassuring when sitting down at the toilet, especially for differently-abled individuals. One of the quickest ways to change the bathroom design into something more universally acceptable is to fit grab bars at the right places. Just make sure that the bars you buy are sturdy and durable.

3. Look for things that are easy to operate.

Place things around the bathroom that are easy to operate. Look for more automated and straightforward items so that people of all ages and abilities face no problem. For instance, think of wall-mounted dispensers for liquid soap or sanitizers or automated machines for sanitary napkin disposal.

The bottom line

The design tips outlined above make it evident that it doesn’t need much to have a universal bathroom for your business. A few design changes and the benefits are galore. So, what are you waiting for? Turn the bathrooms at your business premises into a universally designed space.